Dear Hair Nerds… A letter to this industry that I love.


I write to you today with a heart full of admiration, gratitude, and hope. Our profession, deeply rooted in the art of transformation and the power of touch, is truly unlike any other. Every day, we take mere strands of hair and turn them into masterpieces, crafting stories, exuding creativity, and breathing life into visions.

Yet, what makes our industry truly magical isn't just the unparalleled talent or the sheer artistry. It's the immense potential for collaboration, innovation, and connection. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene countrysides of Tuscany, our industry transcends borders, both geographical and cultural. Every hair strand we touch, every style we create, offers a world of inspiration. And just as art knows no bounds, neither does our potential for growth, learning, and transformation.

There's a phrase, "It takes a village." And indeed, our community is our village. The strength of our industry lies not in competition, but in collaboration. Together, we have the power to uplift, inspire, and pave the way for future generations. By sharing knowledge, extending a helping hand, or merely offering words of encouragement, we can ensure that every member of our community thrives.

To the outside world, our shears and combs may seem like simple tools. But we know better. We recognize the hours of training, the sleepless nights, the artistic challenges, and the sheer determination that goes behind every snip. And while we work tirelessly, let's remind the world of our worth. We are not just hairstylists or barbers; we are artists, therapists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries.

As we continue to shape the future of the beauty industry, let's do so with unity and love. Let's celebrate each other's achievements, learn from our collective experiences, and strive for a world where our craft is recognized for its depth, intelligence, and brilliance.

To every stylist reading this, to every professional who has ever doubted their worth or felt overshadowed by misconceptions: know that you are an integral part of a beautiful tapestry. Together, we are making history, and the world will soon see us for the talented, creative, smart, and professional individuals we truly are.

With heartfelt gratitude and hope for our collective future,

Annie - The Hair Nerds

Annie | Content Director & Hairventure Creator | The Hair Nerds

Hi! I’m Annie (she/they), Lead Instructor for @scissorandmoth_social, Creative Director for @thehairnerds and host of #DearCosmoBabies podcast.


Hayden Cassidy - Mizutani World Cut Jam
