In the heart of Philadelphia, Lee Clapson stands as a beacon of innovation and expertise in the world of hairstyling. As the creative force behind HeaD AreA salon, Lee's reputation as a master haircutter and visionary salon owner precedes him, drawing clients and accolades alike. His approach to hairstyling—blending precision, artistry, and a keen understanding of individual style—has not only set trends but also defined the essence of personalized hair fashion in the city.

This year, as the Hairbrained Awards approach, Lee's contributions to the field take center stage, highlighting his impact on both local and industry-wide levels. His dedication to excellence and his role in elevating the standards of hairstyling make him a standout nominee, embodying the awards' celebration of creativity, skill, and leadership in the hairstyling community.

Could you guide us through the journey of bringing your Hairbrained Awards video to life, from initial concept to final cut? What does your process look like?

My process creating videos have differed, much over the years. This year's nominated video was one of my simplest concepts. Just shoot a haircut, add music. past videos were created with music in mind and overlaying visual concepts. Those videos were shot over a period of weeks and sometimes months. This video was edited following the beat and flow of the music chosen. I've always edited with IMovie so creating what I have in mind can be a little challenging and limiting.

What has been the most challenging aspect of creating your nominated work, and how did you overcome it?

The editing process tends to be the most tedious part. Much dedicated time and patience is put into it. we tend to have several hours of  footage that needs to be edited down to a few minutes. Often one moment, your video looks great then it turns for the worst then great again. You just have to step away and come back to it and see it with different eyes. Most of my videos run on the longer side. People tell me they don't want them to stop. Knowing when to end it has also been a challenge.

How do you stay motivated and continue to evolve as a hairdresser and artist in the industry?

I've always strived to go beyond the norm, the obvious. something fostered early in my career. It's never left me. I'm thankful of those people. Inspiration for me just comes out of nowhere. I never go looking for it and when I find it. I'll always try and make it my own.

How do you envision platforms like Hairbrained shaping the evolution and trends within professional beauty in the future?

Presently not all that important to me I'm 100% independent Social media outlets just get better for the people who crave an audience. I love it more for looking back and learning and seeing how I can develop my work for the better. It is great having an outlet for your brand though and networking with likeminded people.

What message or advice would you like to share with your peers in the hairdressing community, especially those aspiring to be nominated for future Hairbrained Awards?

Just do it!! you'll learn from your mistakes and develop your skills 

How can people find out more about you?

Instagram @headarea @leeclapson YouTube/HeaDAreA 

Join us in celebrating the artistry of hairstyling at Hairbrained, where creativity knows no bounds. To learn more, visit and become a part of the #crafthairdresser community.

Annie | Content Director & Hairventure Creator | The Hair Nerds

Hi! I’m Annie (she/they), Lead Instructor for @scissorandmoth_social, Creative Director for @thehairnerds and host of #DearCosmoBabies podcast.


Tatiana Rivadeneira - Hairbrained Awards


Greg Cassese - Hairbrained Awards