Prepare to be captivated by the multifaceted Howie Held, a past winner of the 3rd annual Hairbrained Awards. With an unparalleled passion for haircutting and styling, Howie has not only crafted exquisite hairstyles but has also woven his creativity into the realm of animation and stop-motion video creation.

As we eagerly anticipate the forthcoming Hairbrained Awards in New York City on March 3, it's essential to pause and reflect on the rich tapestry of talent that has graced this prestigious event in years past. Looking back not only pays homage to the incredible achievements of past winners like Howie Held, but it also serves as a wellspring of inspiration for the hairstyling community. It reminds us that innovation and artistry in the world of hairstyling are continually evolving, with each year's awards show setting new benchmarks for excellence.

So, as we move forward to the 2024 Hairbrained Awards, let's carry the wisdom of the past alongside our ambitions for the future, celebrating the enduring spirit of creativity and skill that defines our industry.

Photo by Randy Taylor, Hairbrained

Could you share a memorable moment or highlight from your journey with the Hairbrained Awards that has stayed with you over the years?

There's a photo of me on stage that Randy took and Gerard is in the background.  Not only is it a good angle of me (thanks Randy) but you can see how in love with life Gerard is and how much he loves doing what he does.

The Hairbrained community is known for its creativity and innovation. How do you think being a part of this community has helped you push the boundaries of your craft?

Hairbrained has been the biggest help for my career.  There was an article I saw on there about Beauty Changes Lives having their first Sassoon video competition.  It was actually Gerard who posted about it.  Had it not been for him, I most likely wouldn't have known about the contest.  I ended up winning by performing a blinded haircut and was flown out to Los Angeles. 

In your opinion, what are the key qualities that set a Hairbrained Awards submission apart and make it stand out to the judging panel?

It's difficult to say each year because I had two nominations on the last one and was sad about not winning either of them.  I had flown out to New York and everything, it was definitely humbling not winning.  I don't think there is ever an algorithm for winning and you should always strive to create something new.

Do you have any exciting projects or upcoming ventures that you'd like to share with the Hairbrained community and our audience

Sadly there aren't any exciting projects coming up.  It's strange because the more knowledge and creativity I've gained, the less opportunities I've found lately.

How do you balance your creative pursuits and professional growth with the demands of the industry and your personal life?

I love stop motion animation, however many stylists are starting to also use it.  My advice is not spinning the persons head immediately because many stylists are doing it and I find it cringy.  It's also important to learn animation as well, I think you can do a not so perfect job but have a vision and it can look amazing (Similar to haircutting).  What is funny is that there are people showcasing beautiful hair techniques alongside some not so beautiful animations.  Having a vision is really important and I see that with people like Howard McLaren and Douglas McCoy especially.  A good place to start finding animation ideas is with someone like Jan Svankmajer.

How can people find out more about you?

I have instagram @howieheld, I'm also writing a book about when I had a mental breakdown during the pandemic.

Join us in celebrating the artistry of hairstyling at Hairbrained, where creativity knows no bounds. To learn more, visit and become a part of the #crafthairdresser community.

Annie | Content Director & Hairventure Creator | The Hair Nerds

Hi! I’m Annie (she/they), Lead Instructor for @scissorandmoth_social, Creative Director for @thehairnerds and host of #DearCosmoBabies podcast.


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