Christian Gaytan - Hairbrained Awards

Get ready to witness the epitome of hairstyling excellence at the much-anticipated Hairbrained Awards, set to grace New York City on March 3, 2024. This prestigious event has become the ultimate stage for celebrating the finest talents in the hairstyling world. As the countdown to this grand soirée begins, we invite you to a sneak peek into the world of precision, creativity, and artistry, as we sit down with Christian, a distinguished past winner of the Hairbrained Awards.

With nearly two decades dedicated to the craft of haircutting and global education, Christian is a true trailblazer in the industry. His journey embodies the essence of the awards—an unwavering commitment to the art and science of hairstyling. Join us in this exclusive interview, where Christian shares insights into his innovative approach, the collaborative nature of his craft, and the invaluable experience of being a Hairbrained Awards champion.

Stay tuned as we delve into the remarkable journey of this hairstyling virtuoso and gear up for the upcoming Hairbrained Awards, where the spotlight will once again shine on the industry's brightest talents.


Could you share a memorable moment or highlight from your journey with the Hairbrained Awards that has stayed with you over the years. 

I think being able to attend my first HVA’s as a nominee and then winning in my category was pretty huge for me. At the time I was still newer to education and hadn’t quite built a name for myself yet. Being in the room with that much talent and meeting a lot of people I’d only known online was a rad experience. 

The Hairbrained community is known for its creativity and innovation. How do you think being a part of this community has helped you push the boundaries of your craft?

Being exposed to so many people who share a common belief about what hairdressing is is inspiring. At the time of my submission I was looking for that community and I don’t think my path in education, photography or content creation would’ve taken the same trajectory if not for the HVAs 

In your opinion, what are the key qualities that set a Hairbrained Awards submission apart and make it stand out to the judging panel?

Well from all the HVA submissions I’ve ever seen I’ve noticed they’re made with intent. You can tell there was a lot of thought and consideration that went into each video. It’s high stakes and that kind of competitive momentum means that the submissions get better every year. When you top it off with a panel of highly accomplished judges it makes a win even sweeter. 

What are your thoughts on the impact of social media and digital platforms in shaping the careers of today's hairdressers and artists?

Well change is the only constant, so I love it. Really, we can all moan about it’s impact in our lives and careers but I’m a fan. It’s completely disrupted the way building a career and reputation in the business works. There is no denying that in tomorrows industry, it will be increasingly more difficult to do so without it. It’s refreshing to see new faces and voices lend their their perspectives and artistry to the conversation.

Looking back at your journey with Hairbrained Awards, is there a piece of advice or insight you wish you had known when you first started your career?

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

2. Waiting for the right time to start something is often the excuse we tell ourselves. Just get started and make it perfect along the way 


How can people find out more about you?

I’m @christianawesome on Instagram and you can find my education on 

Join us in celebrating the artistry of hairstyling at Hairbrained, where creativity knows no bounds. To learn more, visit and become a part of the #crafthairdresser community.

Annie | Content Director & Hairventure Creator | The Hair Nerds

Hi! I’m Annie (she/they), Lead Instructor for @scissorandmoth_social, Creative Director for @thehairnerds and host of #DearCosmoBabies podcast.


DJ Muldoon - Hairbrained Awards


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